You might notice a fresh look around here — and there’s an exciting reason why. On April 10, 2019, we rolled out a new and improved The goal is to make it easier for you and your fellow veterans to access the information you need to thrive in civilian life.
You’ll find upcoming events, contact info for our offices around the state, and highlights of benefits you and your family members might be eligible for. You’ve served our country, and now the Department of Veterans Assistance is committed to serving you.
One of the most well-known benefits veterans receive is healthcare through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). There are almost 150,000 veterans in West Virginia, according to the VA, and more than a third receive their healthcare at a VA Medical Center or Outpatient Clinic. But there are other benefits that aren’t as well known — and these can often be a big help to veterans in the Mountain State.
For instance, more than 35,000 West Virginia veterans receive VA Disability Compensation for a disease or injury incurred during, aggravated by, or resulting from active duty service. Here at the state Department of Veterans Assistance, we continue to find veterans who were injured on active duty and who do not realize that there is help.
Some of the other benefits veterans might be eligible for include:
- The Post 9/11 G.I. Bill, to help paying for a formal education.
- VA loans to help a veteran get into a new home for less money.
- The VA Survivors Pension to help low-income war veterans.
These are just a few of the benefits that we at the Department of Veterans Assistance can help veterans navigate. We’ve got your back — so look over our new website and then give us a call. We want to meet with you in-person and help you succeed in civilian life.
For more information, call 304-558-3661 or email Assistant Operations Manager/Public Relations Coordinator Daryle Bayless at